Apps dangerous for kids

July 14, 2017

Several apps are dangerous to children if not met with supervision by adults. These might seem popular apps used daily by many people around you, but they could pose a risk if parents are not careful.

· Social media apps such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+ can be misused by children under the age of 13 or expose inappropriate content to them. Social networking poses a threat to strangers taking advantage of children by communicating with them

· Snapchat’s 24-hour stories can be tempting for kids to post images and video, thinking they will disappear. However, they can post images that can be used against them such as pictures of themselves or their homes

· Kik the video chat app doesn’t require users to register with their phone number.

· App lock and other similar lock apps make it easy for users to hide content. They can hide certain apps by locking them with a password. It can be unsafe when parents cannot access them or see them.

· Pokemon Go poses a risk to young kids. This craze got many kids off the couch and play interactively with the world around them. However, its risk is leading many youngsters to shady areas around the neighborhood or city to hunt down Pokémon.

July 14, 2017
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