Apps that transform your photography on Instagram

July 28, 2017

nstagram has revealed many people’s hidden talents in photography and even allowed a platform for everyone to be a pro. Here are some apps that boost your photography skills and revamp your Instagram account for more amazing photos.


Found in the App Store, this app helps improve your selfies by airbrushing your skin, beautifying the face and even whitening teeth.


If you’re tired of using your most used filter on Instagram, this app covers about 75 filters, 78 textures, and over 120 frames to make your photos more unique.


This app helps you get recognized in the world of photographers by getting rewarded, selling your photos, and enhancing your images. By joining a community of photographers near you, you can find other like-minded people and learn from each other insights on photography.

Camera Noir

For those who love black and white pictures, this app gives an edge by offering the tools to fine-tune the somber images. Adjusting the contrast and luminance can create professional-looking images easy enough for amateurs to use.

July 28, 2017
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