Are you aware of all these Instagram features?

September 22, 2017

Instagram is not just about sharing filtered photos and hashtags. The photo sharing app has lots of tweaks and customized settings to make it personalized for the everyday user.

Here are some of the features you may have not

discovered yet:

1. Saving other people’s posts

By tapping the bookmark icon on the lower right of a photo, you can save it to a “collection”. This allows to create a collection of photos that can be related and you can revisit them whenever you want. This helps in saving dates or references to events.

2. Adding up to 5 accounts

Some people are not comfortable with sharing their professional content in their personal accounts. You can link other separate accounts by creating a new one and then tapping “Add Account” in the profile menu. This makes it easier to switch between accounts without having to sign out and in again.

3. Hiding comments

If you don’t want people to comment on a certain post, you can turn off the comments. This can be helpful for unwanted noise or just to avoid discussion.

4. Archive a specific post

If you regret posting something but don’t want to delete it completely, you can archive it. It will be hidden from your contacts but can be seen only by you. Simply click on the menu option on the post and tap on “Archive”. There’s a clock icon on the profile page that stores all the archived posts. If you later change your mind about it, you can click on the “Show on profile” option.

5. More control to allow videos to autoplay with sound

If you choose to tap the sound on for one video, other videos will play with sound automatically as well. However, they’re muted by default unless you choose to keep the sound on. Muted videos are more convenient when using the app in public.

6. Save your story

When you post on your story, they will automatically be deleted after 24 hours. There’s a way to save them in your library by choosing either to save a single post or your entire series of posts in the pop-up menu inside your story. Not all your followers might see your story but you can save it and post it in your profile later on!

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