VAT app will prevent markets from deceiving you

January 11, 2018

Rawan Abudawood

With the Value Added Tax (VAT) coming into effect since January 1, 2018, many companies are taking advantage of the people’s lack of knowledge in order to trick them to pay more than the actual 5% tax.

As a result, the General Authority of Zakat and Tax (GAZT) launched the VAT application for both the App Store and Google Play. It supports Arabic and English and helps you to preserve your rights.

“I knew about VAT application from the official website of (GAZT) and I find it very helpful. I am using it since the imposition of the VAT. I tried it for the first time with Danube Supermarket. As soon as I added the VAT ID written in my supermarket bill, the application showed me that it is indeed registered in the VAT system under the Bin Dawood Superstores Trading Company. Therefore, I was confident paying the VAT. Not only that, but I also calculated the total VAT based on my purchases and it was the right amount I was asked to pay,” said Rana Suliman.

VAT application is very useful wherein you can use the VAT Calculator to calculate the right amount of tax based on the total of your purchases, lookup and verify the registration of the entity in the VAT using the in built QR Code Scanner or the Commercial Registration Number or the Tax Identification Number.

Furthermore, citizens and expatriates can use the application to report violations of some facilities regarding the imposed VAT. In other words, if you discover from the application that the facility is not actually included in the VAT system then you can report the facility and the authority will take action.

The VAT application is a rich source of information. For instance, you can learn more about the VAT wherein you can use as well as read about the terms and definitions, law and regulations, taxpayer charter, goods and services subject to VAT, VAT services, taxpayer calculator, preparing your business, tax agents/ representatives, and frequently asked questions.

“I am glad that there is such application in our smartphones. That way we are 100% sure of the VAT we are paying,” she said.

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