Saudi Arabia condemns false accusations: Interior Minister

October 13, 2018

A Saudi Arabia flag flies in front of the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on Saturday.  — AFP
A Saudi Arabia flag flies in front of the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on Saturday. — AFP

Saudi Gazette report

Riyadh —
The enemies of the Kingdom aided and abetted by the Qatari regime and the Muslim Brotherhood are coming up everyday with fresh media accusations based on pure bias and lacking any logic about the disappearance of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul.

Saudi Minister of Interior Prince Abdulaziz Bin Saud Bin Naif on Saturday reiterated the Kingdom’s condemnation and denunciation of these false accusations.

He also stressed that what has been circulating about orders to kill Khashoggi are lies and baseless allegations against the government of the Kingdom, which is committed to its principles, rules and traditions and is in compliance with international laws and conventions.

He praised the cooperation with the brothers in Turkey through the Joint Investigation Commission and other official channels, stressing the importance of the role of the media in upholding facts and not affecting the paths of investigation and judicial proceedings.

He also stressed the Kingdom’s keenness to protect the interest of its citizens at home and abroad.

Head of the Syrian National Assembly Mohamed Barmou said in a statement to Okaz that the enemies of the Kingdom were behind Khashoggi’s abduction.

The Saudi delegation was in Turkey, due to have talks this weekend in Ankara and take part in a working group on the disappearance.

Rumor mills churned out one of their most childish pieces of fake news that investigators were looking for Khashoggi’s black Apple Watch with reported recordings.

But tech commentators were quick to fact check and debunk the story.

A TechCrunch fact-checker report stated: “But even if Khashoggi entered the Saudi consulate wearing that model, a third-generation Apple Watch (which Khashoggi was pictured wearing) does not support cellular connections in Turkey, effectively ruling out any chance that his health data synced either with his iPhone outside or Apple’s servers.

“It’s also unlikely that the watch connected to a known Wi-Fi network inside the consulate, or that the watch was within close enough range to sync with his iPhone outside using Bluetooth.

On Twitter, others also speculated about the fingerprint unlock feature that fake reports mentioned. Unlocking an Apple Watch using fingerprint verification is not a feature of the device, an Apple representative told CNN.

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