Iran actions threaten regional, global security

May 31, 2019

Saudi Gazette report

MAKKAH — Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman reiterated that Saudi Arabia is keen to preserve the stability and security of the region and to spare it the scourge of war.

Chairing the emergency summit of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states at Al-Safa Palace in Makkah on Thursday night, the King said Tehran’s actions threatened international maritime trade and global oil supplies in a “glaring violation of UN treaties” in a reference to the attacks on oil tankers off the United Arab Emirates and on oil pumping stations in the Kingdom this month.

The Monarch said Iran’s development of nuclear and ballistic missile capabilities threatened regional and global security. At the outset of his speech, the King noted that the summit is taking place in the backdrop of direct challenges that threaten regional and international security and stability. “In the past, we have been able to overcome many challenges with regard to security and stability while preserving the gains and achieving economic and social development in our countries. We will work together to resolve all challenges and threats with determination and resolve.”

"The Iranian regime's interference in the internal affairs of the countries of the region, development of nuclear and missile programs, and its threats to freedom of international shipping are a threat to global oil supply and are in flagrant violations of the United Nations conventions and laws for the maintenance of international peace and security.”

King Salman said Iran’s support for terrorism over four decades and its threat to security and stability as a result of its desire to expand influence and hegemony is an act rejected by international norms and conventions. “The recent criminal acts of targeting one of the world’s most important trade routes with the sabotage of four commercial ships close to the territorial waters of the United Arab Emirates as well as targeting two oil pumping stations and a number of vital installations in the Kingdom require all of us to work seriously to preserve the security and gains of the GCC countries.”

Reaffirming the Kingdom’s keenness on the security and stability of the region as well as to avoid the horrors of war, the Monarch said that Saudi Arabia wants to achieve prosperity of all peoples in the region, including people of Iran. “The Kingdom’s hand will always be extended in peace and it will continue back all efforts to maintain security and stability in the region,” he said.

King Salman emphasized that the failure to take a deterrent and firm stance to confront Iranian regime’s subversive acts has led to the escalation of the situation in the region as it was seen today. “Hence, we call on international community to shoulder its responsibilities with regard to the threat that Iranian practices pose to international peace and security, and to use all means to stop the Iranian regime from interfering in the internal affairs of other states and its sponsoring of terrorist activities in the region," he said while calling for putting an end to the threat to maritime navigation in the international waters.

The summit was attended by King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa of Bahrain; Shehab Bin Tariq Al Saeed, adviser to the Sultan of Oman; Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, emir of Kuwait; Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, crown prince of Abu Dhabi and deputy supreme commander of the United Arab Emirates Armed Forces; and Sheikh Abdullah Bin Nasser Bin Khalifa Al Thani, prime minister and minister of interior of Qatar.

Abdullatif Al-Zayani, secretary general of GCC, said in his speech, that the emergency summit is being held in a highly volatile regional situation that foresees grave dangers and difficult challenges. He called on the GCC countries to be vigilant, cautious, more united and mutually supportive to maintain their security and stability as well as to defend their gains, achievements and interests. He said that the GCC is a cohesive entity that can confront all challenges with great confidence, firm will and unswerving determination.

Al-Zayani hailed the keenness of GCC leaders on the unity of the Gulf states and their firm determination to achieve comprehensive collective security in the light of the continued provocations and interference of Iran in their internal affairs, and its recent threats and terrorist acts in the region.


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