Can Saudi women be trusted to have a passport?

Can Saudi women be trusted to have a passport?

August 06, 2016

Al-MadinaSuhaila Zain Al-Abideen Hammad

The decision of the Shoura Council to amend the validity of passports to 10 years instead of five for applicants who are 20 years old or older is an important issue related to human rights. I was hoping that the decision would allow young Saudi women who are 20 or older to apply for a passport or renew it themselves without the consent of their male guardian just like their male counterparts.

The Security Affairs Committee at the Shoura Council is studying a proposal granting Saudi women who have an ID the right to apply for a passport without their male guardian’s consent. I do not know why the committee is bothered with this issue. I thought that the Human Rights Committee would study the proposal. Assigning the Security Affairs Committee to study this proposal shows that Saudi women are not trusted. I do not know for how long Saudi women will be treated with such mistrust.

It is really hard, psychologically, for an adult woman to ask permission from her male guardian to apply for a passport or even to renew one, no matter how old she may be. Her male guardian may be her young son or even her grandchild. Just like men, women are legally competent and can take care of themselves. They are not minors who need constant guardianship and protection. As far as I know, issues related to women are closely related to the Shariah, not to security authorities.

Even in Shariah, women are competent like men and are subject to all Shariah penalties and punishments including beheading just like men. In certain cases, punishment can be more severe against women in the Shariah due to the gravity of the crime committed. Men and women are equal in the eyes of the Shariah.

Why is it then that in the Kingdom women are treated as incompetent persons who need male guardians to take care of them and to protect them? Why are adult men not required to have male guardians while adult women are?
I hope the Shoura Council will show that it has more trust in Saudi women and ask the Human Rights Committee to study and approve the proposal.

August 06, 2016