Why some men hate women

Why some men hate women

September 24, 2016
Samar Al-Miqrin
Samar Al-Miqrin

Samar Al-Miqrin

A man who acts with hostility towards a woman must have a personal problem with the woman. If we look at cases in which men have antagonized women from the days of Aristotle and Nietzsche, we find similar themes.

Arthur Schopenhauer, the German philosopher who lived in the previous century, hated women because he hated the pretentious lifestyle of his mother. More recently, a man appeared in a video on social media cursing Saudi women.

Regardless of whether one is a philosopher or an uneducated person, men like the above have a problem with an individual woman and then make general assumptions about other women. Men who pass laws against women or consider women second-class citizens must have had some negative experiences with women in the past. The same can be said about men who raise their voices to women and deprive them of their rights.

From the above, I can say that men are meaner than women and hold bigger grudges against them. Most women do not act with hostility towards men. A woman who hates another must have gone through some terrible experience with another woman. There is a reason for that. Examples of such women include the women who oppose the creation of laws that guarantee and protect the rights of women.

September 24, 2016