Runaway girls and social factors

Runaway girls and social factors

August 31, 2016
Fawziya Al-Bakr
Fawziya Al-Bakr

Fawziya Al-BakrBy Fawziya Al-Bakr

STATISTICS show that about 900 Saudi girls run away from their homes every year. Although the figure looks meager compared to other countries but it should make us worry, especially when such cases go viral on the social media. Although the issue has yet to be called a phenomenon it is high time for us to think about it and its cultural and psychological aspects.

In an earlier article I have discussed the role of families in solving this problem. Let me now the social factors that force girls to ditch homes. I believe that no girl would run away if she feels comfortable in her society, enjoying her rights with dignity.

Ban on driving has restricted women’s movement in the Kingdom. As a result, she is not able to go out for various purposes except with the support of a driver. This is a daily issue encountered by women, especially when they cannot catch a bus or train to reach their work places or hospitals or markets. The ban on women driving makes us cry and laugh.

Men will not understand this problem until they see themselves in our place without any driver, and then they will know the complexity of the driving ban issue. Some people try to discuss the issue superficially and join the bandwagon of opponents, thus obstructing the move to adopt a historic decision that would ensure social justice for women.

We should acknowledge the fact that Saudi women are often treated as minors. They are unable to join educational institutions or work at companies or apply for a passport or travel without permission from male guardians. Although the government has tried its best to solve this problem by restricting male guardians’ authorities, we don’t see any major change on the ground.

Woman in our country is divorced without her knowledge. Her husband would take her back if the divorce was pronounced only once. If it was pronounced three times, she loses everything as she would not have any housing and alimony and no value is given for the years she dedicated in the care of her family. This is the law with regard to divorced Saudi women.

But in most civilized countries if a woman is divorced after having a married life with her husband for five years or more she is entitled to have half the house, alimony, social care and healthcare. What has been given by our judicial, legislative and executive authorities to Saudi women to feel security?

Women’s representation is very poor in government departments and private agencies, compared to other GCC countries. Thus women have little choice while taking vital decisions that affect her life. At the same time Saudi women have proved their capabilities in terms of education and international performance. Unfortunately, they are looked down in their own country as if they are incapable, unintelligent and incomplete and cannot work independently without the support and care of a male guardian while dealing with all matters.

Woman is isolated in society after the imposition of a ban on mingling of sexes. We have seen during the time of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, the wives of the Prophet (pbuh) and his companions as well as their daughters worked side by side their men being part of natural life. As a result of isolation, women do not get any experience in public matters.
They don’t know how to deal with different situations and do not get job opportunities. They do not know how to make money like men. They are unable to make right investment of their funds, although Islam has given them full freedom to deal with their wealth. They face legal and administrative obstacles while starting any project or get a specific document.

Men are decision-makers and they meet at various places including mosques, majalis (get-togethers) and resting places and establish contacts with decision-makers, exchange information and advises and inform them about useful contacts but women do not get these facilities and services.

Women should be allowed to return to their natural families and lives as destined by God without isolating them or degrading their status in society. Islam calls for equal treatment of men and women. No girl would run away from her home if she lives in a just and balanced society.

We are all sons and daughters of this great nation and we have to taste its sweat and sour together. It’s time for Saudi women to get out breaking the egg cover to lead a decent and dignified life and we have to provide them with all legal support instead of forcing them to run away.

August 31, 2016