Successful divorce: Ending a marriage on good terms

Successful divorce: Ending a marriage on good terms

November 19, 2016
Khalil Al-Fuzaih Al Ayoum
Khalil Al-Fuzaih Al Ayoum

[caption id="attachment_99676" align="alignleft" width="255"]Khalil Al-Fuzaih Al Ayoum Khalil Al-Fuzaih
Al Ayoum
We often hear people talk about a successful marriage, but not about a successful divorce. In his book “My Life with An American Wife and a Saudi Wife,” Abdulqader Fallatah, a Saudi, talks about a successful divorce. The book focuses on his life. Fallatah travelled to the US to study when he was a young man. After marrying an American woman and having three children with her, they all returned to the Eastern Province to live. After some years, his wife decided to go back to the US.

Fallatah and his wife got divorced after reaching a compromise: the wife would take the son back to the US while the two daughters would stay with their father. Although they are no longer husband and wife, they have kept a friendly relationship and have stayed in touch. Even after Fallatah married a Saudi woman, he was able to establish a harmonious relationship between his second wife and his two daughters.

At the end of the book, the writer asserts that divorce can be successful just like marriage and both spouses can keep friendly relationship with one another after divorce. He recommends that if either spouse can no longer live with their partner, then they have to end the marital relationship on good terms. They have to look at the big picture and accept the truth no matter how bitter it may be.

Unfortunately, most divorces end on bitter terms. Most men feel insulted when their wives ask for a divorce and tend to make things difficult for the wife as a way to compensate for this insult. Our Islamic teachings urge husband and wife who want to be divorced to separate with kindness. However, some men feel that their pride has been wounded and are determined to do whatever it takes to turn their wives’ lives into hell. Unfortunately, innocent children are always the ones who pay the price. This is against our religion.

November 19, 2016