Teenagers: Sufferers or survivors?

Teenagers: Sufferers or survivors?

February 24, 2017
Teenagers: Sufferers or survivors?
Teenagers: Sufferers or survivors?

DEVASTATION of one’s own self occurs when a person is left all alone to deal with his own thoughts and pain. Consequently, he is left alone to drown in tears of sorrow and spend nights of fears. The ultimate thought that comes to his mind is none other than ending his sorrows.

By saying “ending sorrows,” I don’t mean that the person tries to solve his problems, but the implied meaning is that he attempts to end his unbearable sorrows by ending life itself.

The root cause of such issues is perhaps more important. The prime factor to be considered is the constant pressure at home that may be of different types. For instance, if parents always misunderstand their children, the basic roots of trust will be fragile, hence depriving the child of the required trust.

We all know that trust is the basic foundation of mutual relations and a smooth life. If the roots lack a solid base, the entire structure of relations becomes unstable. Eventually, the relationship is at stake, and the pressure on the child begins to grow.

The problems of one’s home are often carried to school. As a result, problems in studies begin. Problems in studies then lead to more pressure as a challenging future lies ahead. Though both parents and children care a lot about future perspectives, one’s future is ultimately affected.

Parents are not solely responsible for this; the immature mind can also be blamed to some extent. Teenagers commit mistake because of their immaturity and inability to understand things that are actually good for them. Peer pressure at school is common because of this weakness. But the concern is to stop the suffering of children due to such factors. Continuous victimization needs to be checked morally and officially.

Society realizes the value of a person who has left this world. But when that person is alive, the same society keeps torturing that person, keeps turning that person’s life into hell, and in the end when the person dies, society says: “What a pity. He was such a great person. He could have done something for the world.” We must realize the worth of a human life.

But can anyone tell me why society piles on the pressure? Why pressure at home occurs? Why teens fall into bad company? Why peer pressure exists? These are unanswered questions.

In my humble opinion, “attitudes” need to change!

Juweiriya Aftab

February 24, 2017