Unraveling personality cult of Kim Jong-Un

Unraveling personality cult of Kim Jong-Un

April 22, 2017
Korean People’s Army (KPA) soldiers walk before the portraits of late North Korean leaders Kim Il-Sung (left) and Kim Jong-Il (right) following the opening ceremony for the Ryomyong Street housing development in Pyongyang.
Korean People’s Army (KPA) soldiers walk before the portraits of late North Korean leaders Kim Il-Sung (left) and Kim Jong-Il (right) following the opening ceremony for the Ryomyong Street housing development in Pyongyang.

By Tony Duheaume

KIM JONG-UN is the grandson of Kim II Sung, the founder of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), and just like his grandfather before him, he rules over the country with an iron fist.

Through generations of misrule, a multitude of his people are starving, and living in a condition of absolute terror, force fed on the regime’s twisted form of communist ideology known as Juche. As stated on the official webpage of the DPR of Korea: “The DPRK is the Juche-orientad socialist state which embodies the idea and leadership of Comrade Kim II Sung, the founder of the republic and the father of socialist Korea.”

Being in total control of the country’s media outlets, North Korea’s present leader Kim Jong-Un, can exert complete control over the entire population, through continued inherence to his grandfather’s philosophy of Juche (self-reliance), and is able to stir up mass hysteria through pumping out fear of the outside world, while at the same time instilling a fanatical form of patriotism and fierce nationalism into North Korea’s insulated society.

After Kim II Sung was placed in control of North Korea by Soviet Russia in 1945, he needed a way to ensure that his dictatorship survived, and eventually came up with a way to brainwash the masses, which would enable him to ensure that his planned dynasty would run smoothly for generations to come. It was in 1955, it became apparent through one of his speeches, just how he planned to implement this carefully connived formula of mind control, as he explained the concept of Juche to the masses.

In the eyes of President Kim II Sung, Juche ideology is centered around man being the master of all around him, using his ability to solve all problems, and through the independence of the country’s masses, brought about through non-interference from the outside world, it became the base of his socialist policies, with which to develop North Korean society, which would enable the Kim dynasty to stay in power for generations.

The Juche ideology

Under Juche ideology, the country’s autonomy was tantamount to regime survival, as by keeping the nation free of all outside influence, and independent to pursue its own form of politics, it could strive towards a self-efficient economy, as well as maintaining a self-reliant national defense force, enabling the regime to maintain the country’s sovereignty at all levels.

During the time of the introduction of Juche philosophy into North Korea, Russia was going through political upheaval, as with the death of its leader Joseph Stalin, many political movements were popping up across the Soviet Union, calling for a change in the style of leadership that had been introduced by the formidable former leader.

So with Stalin having aided Kim II Sung to seize power, any future support from the Soviet Union wasn’t assured, and with the North Korean dictator having fallen out of favor with his own people, much due to his failure to win the Korean War, Kim needed to come up with a new line of tact to save his regime from collapse, which brought about the introduction of Juche ideology into North Korean politics for the first time.

But just to ensure the people were fully behind its leader, Kim II Sung’s propagandists had encompassed him with a powerful personality cult, constructing a Jesus Christ like image of him, venerating him with the honored position of “eternal president”, which stuck even after death. Such was the fervor over his cult of personality during the 1960’s, majestic photos of him appeared in every corner of the nation, adorning households, public offices, schools, workplaces, on the walls of stations, and were even emblazoned on trains and buses.

In the same way that Christian weddings are blessed using quotes from the Bible, marriages in North Korea are blessed through the bride and groom swearing allegiance to their “eternal leader” Kim II Sung. As time went on, Kim II Sung’s personality cult had encompassed the nation, and as the regime broke away from orthodox Marxist-Stalinist ideology, Juche became a form of religion throughout the land, with Kim II Sung as its “celestial” creator.

In 1948, the North Korean leader became Prime Minister, until he eventually proclaimed himself president in 1972. Juche was formally implemented as an official governing principle in 1997, having been unofficial policy until that time, and during that same period, the North Korean calendar was inaugurated to start at the year of Kim II Sung’s birth in 1912, consolidating forever his place as “eternal president”.

Citizen indoctrination

In present day North Korea, every citizen is indoctrinated with the regime’s carefully moulded Juche ideology from cradle to the grave, being taught to revere their current Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un, the brilliance of their country, and the infinite uniqueness of its people in every form, from culture to breeding.

Through false “facts” fed to them throughout their entire life, beginning as a child in nursery school, the masses are indoctrinated through books, newspapers, art and all other forms of media, on how they have to fight to retain their way of life, as all those in the outside world are desperate to destroy it.

As far as writers are concerned, they have to register with the country’s Writer’s Union Central Committee, not to do so is illegal under North Korea’s strict cultural laws, and as far as the written word is concerned, the author has to adhere to strict guidelines laid down by the regime, as all creative work must fit into the country’s ideological doctrine of Juche.

It was down to North Korea’s State Security to keep a close eye on all of the nation’s citizens, and being attached to the Organization and Guidance Department, it operates much like the Gestapo of Hitler’s Nazi Party, with its tentacles able to penetrate every sector of North Korean society.

Those arrested for not conforming to government principles, find themselves incarcerated in the Soviet-style labor camps, where inmates toil for up to 16 hours a day, and being fed just a handful of corn as a daily meal, many are either worked to death, die of starvation, or are executed without trial.

At all public celebrations, especially those where their leader is present, the people who can be seen gathering in throngs on the streets,

enthusiastically cheering their leader, are heavily encouraged to do so by government agents filming the event, who are on the lookout for nonconforming citizens. With the knowledge of the terrible fate that will befall them if they don’t look passionate enough in front of the cameras, participants leap about and wave like manic puppets on strings, feigning enjoyment to stay alive. — Al Arabiya English

April 22, 2017