‘Pakistan army chief warns India against ‘aggression’’ (Oct. 19)

This is pathetic. Have India and Pakistan nothing better to do than engage in pointless disputes?

October 24, 2014

Mohammad Kamran Khan



This is pathetic. Have India and Pakistan nothing better to do than engage in pointless disputes? The two governments might consider spending time, energy and resources fighting corruption and poverty in their country, instead of fighting each other.

Nina Deen

I have always boycotted Indian media for being biased and full of prejudice and preconceptions when it comes to Kashmir. It’s really a shame that they compromise with their journalistic ethics in the garb of “nationalism”. When the entire government collapsed, the brave youth of Kashmir stood on the forefront rescuing thousands of people from the flood waters.



October 24, 2014
40 minutes ago

Rawdah Al-Sharif visiting time announced for last 10 days of Ramadan  

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