Each drop of water counts

Water is a precious gift to mankind on Earth, and if a collective global conscience does not awaken soon enough to the importance of preserving water, we risk seriously depleting our water supplies.

October 30, 2014
Each drop of water counts
Each drop of water counts

Amal Al-Sibai



Amal Al-Sibai

Saudi Gazette


Water is a precious gift to mankind on Earth, and if a collective global conscience does not awaken soon enough to the importance of preserving water, we risk seriously depleting our water supplies. We are drawn to the beauty of the ocean, seas, rivers, and lakes, which calm our minds and soothe our souls. Water is the source of life for all living creatures.



{And We have made from water every living thing} Chapter 21, verse 30 of the Holy Qur’an.


In Islam, water is to be viewed as a blessing from our Creator. Several verses in the Holy Qur’an enumerate the marvels in nature that come to life with water, such as how dry, barren land is restored to lush greenery after a rainfall.


Dr. Mohamed A. Raouf, a PhD holder in environmental sciences, stated in a report for the Middle East Institute, that scientific research centers have discovered that the amount of water in the world is enough for all living creatures on Earth. The problem lies in mankind’s misuse and mismanagement of this valuable resource.


The general culture of today is one of consumerism and economic gain, without taking into consideration social and environmental sustainability, which are at the core of Islamic values. Islamic teachings command men and women to serve as custodians of the Earth by preserving natural resources and leaving a minimal negative impact on the ecosystems in which they live.



Water depletion is a looming threat in many parts of the world. In the US, three consecutive dry years have pushed California into a historic drought.


 Reservoirs are at half-capacity or less and dropping, groundwater basins and ecosystems are stressed. About 82% of the state is in “extreme drought,” while 96% is now in “severe drought”, announced the Association of California Water Agencies.


In the Gulf region, scarce rainfall, together with increasing temperatures, poor farming methods, and high rates of evaporation and human consumption, will result in severe water shortages in the future. According to the United Nations, all the GCC countries except Oman fall in the category of “acute scarcity” of water. It is expected that the supply of water will satisfy only 67% of demand by 2015.


According to a report in The National, “Water supplies are being depleted in GCC countries at among the quickest rates in the world. Among Arabian Gulf countries, the rate of depletion in the UAE is second only to that in Kuwait.”


To waste water or to use water carelessly and excessively is a blatant disregard for a cornerstone of our faith as Muslims, which is moderation. Balance and moderation is called to in every facet of our lives. A balance must be reached between fear and love of Allah, between miserliness and squandering, between seriousness and cheerfulness, between praising and advising others, between starving oneself and gluttony. 


As the verse in the Holy Qur’an states, {Eat and drink: But waste not by excess, for Allah loves not the wasters.} (Chapter 7, verse 31) 

Every time we use water, we should consciously think of what a wonderful blessing it is. Water is the best drink to quench thirst, it is what we break the fast with, and is what we cleanse ourselves with before prayer five times a day.


Islam teaches us that we are to use water sparingly, even for ablution (wudu), the obligatory ritual of cleansing before each prayer.


Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had spoken clearly against using too much water during ablution. 


When the Prophet (peace be upon him) passed by and saw one of his companions performing ablution, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “What is this extravagance?”


The companion asked, “Is there extravagance with water in ablution?”

The Prophet (peace be upon him) replied, “Do not waste water even if performing ablution on the bank of a fast-flowing river.”


As for how much water the Prophet (peace be upon him) used for cleansing, it was surprisingly little and goes hand in hand with the water conservation regulations that many countries today are setting, due to water shortages. When performing ablution, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) only used 625 ml of water, and he used about 3 liters of water for bathing.


Islam from its very beginning preached the preservation of water, wildlife, plants, and all natural resources.


Each drop of water counts and you can play an active role in water conservation by following these tips:


 Close the tap when brushing your teeth and in between the several steps of ablution. If you remember to turn off the tap whilst you are brushing, you could save about 3.5 liters each time you brush your teeth.


 Take a quick shower, and not a bath. A full bath uses up to 80 liters of water whereas a 5-minute shower uses about 35 liters, saving 45 liters of water.


 Routinely check for any leaks from the taps and pipes in your bathroom and kitchen. A small drip from an unrepaired tap can waste up to 20 gallons of water per day.


 Install low-flow aerators on the nozzle of your taps and shower-heads to significantly reduce the amount of water wasted each time you turn the tap on. This simple and cheap method will help you save not only water, but also money spent on water bills. Aerators are available at most hardware stores.


 To save water, use the dishwasher and the clothes washing machine only when they are full. With clothes washers, avoid the permanent press cycle, which uses an added 20 liters for the extra rinse.


 For washing vegetables, wash them in a bowl of clean water, rather than under a running tap.


 Do not wash your car with a hose of running water; instead wash it with only one bucket of soapy water.


 You can collect the water that was used in the home for ablution or for washing vegetables. This water collected in a basin can be re-used for watering plants.


 Pick the right time of day to water your outdoor gardens: in the cool of the early mornings or in the evenings to reduce water lost by evaporation.

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