Mariam Nihal
Saudi Gazette
Timez5, newest member of the space certification program was initiated at the Kennedy Space Center alongside NASA’s Orion spacecraft launch.
Technology originally used in space can now help you meditate and relax. After five years of intensive research Timez5 labs have revealed connections between rituals, spirituality and body physiology.
Timez 5 has unlocked practices that improve the physical and spiritual welfare through meditation.
Nader Sabry the CEO of Timez5 spoke to Saudi Gazette in an exclusive interview. “The inspiration of the prayer mat is based on an experience I had when I saw an old man praying and was in a lot pain. Regardless of the pain his devotion kept him going. This stopped me to try to understand why? What made him so devoted but why after 1400 years no one has addressed people with physical problems suffering pain while praying. This concept grew into developing an ecosystem to address Muslim lifestyle issues and our app is part of that.”
Timez5 is a space technology certified company recognized among a small group of 43 companies globally who have successfully implemented and worked with technology developed by NASA for use in space.
Timez5 conducted five years of intensive R&D in the areas of ergonomics, physiology and biomechanics that are detailed around the general Muslim lifestyle. “Our early findings that shaped our developments had shown that those who regularly pray and meditate are fundamentally different; the physical challenges they face over time are different and their incentives for physical health is predominately spiritual.
Hence, this is what we call the physio-spiritual experience, which is the hallmark of our brand. As a space-technology company we are focused on enhancing the health and wellbeing of Muslims by bringing to them cutting edge space technology and innovation.”
He said the TIMEZ5 physiological prayer mat helps people with physiological issues like knee pain, back pain, neck pain and a series of other issues. “The mat has helped thousands around the world for problems ranging from arthritis, sports injuries, chronic knee pain and unusual acute physiological issues. The product is highly recommended by physiotherapists as a rehabilitation tool after surgeries and for ongoing non-surgical treatments.
This mat has changed the lives of many with its patented technology by providing them a solution that otherwise doesn’t exist.” Sabry said the mat has helped everyday people pray with more comfort, confidence and focus. “It has helped many of our customers who then shared this innovation with their families in helping improve their physical and spiritual experience.”
He said digital technology is a channel for users to enhance their experience with the products and brand. “We do this by addressing key needs that relate to the physical and spiritual experience. This approach gives us deeper insights into our users preference that help us better shape and position new products and to continue delivering innovative and quality experience.”
TIMEZ5 is reportedly the world’s first health and wellness company addressing the Muslim lifestyle. He said that Muslims lead very dynamic lifestyles, but in most cases are neglected by major global brands. “Several global brands see Muslim consumers as a great expansion market to improve revenue but fail to see and understand the true needs of Muslims. The lifestyle market for Muslims is a $2 Trillion market and is narrowly focused into a few areas with little innovation taking place.”
Mobile technology is one of the main components in reaching out to Muslims according to Sabry.
“The app has been designed by our psychology team who have made a mood-wall system that creates a mood-mospheric environment by visually inspiring users based on prayer time and location. Once used several times our algorithm detects visual preferences and starts to serve more relevant inspiring visuals.”
The app is accessible at