Mariam Nihal
Saudi Gazette
Do muslims really need to condemn everything going on around them? Some may argue, ‘yes, they do’. Some may take it to the next level and create an app for it. As part of social media responsibility regardless of duty or faith, many can argue in its favour. Is it just for muslims? Apparently not. So what exactly is this iCondemn app about and is it really necessary?
According to app developer Daniel Haqiqatjou, it was imperative. Haqiqatjou said it was necessary to create a 21st century solution to what he believes can get rid of islamophobia.
“Rather than stopping our condemnations, I believe Muslims need to be making more condemnations. Much more. I just don’t feel like Muslims have done enough to denounce all the bad stuff we’re loosely, indirectly responsible for, probably. Why else are people always asking why Muslims aren’t condemning terrorism? Clearly, we need to take our condemnation game to the next level. According to my calculations, we need to be denouncing things at fifty times the volume and at least twenty times the speed to meet all the demand. The problem is all that denunciation takes a lot of time and resources. We need a 21st century solution to this problem.
That’s why I am developing the world’s first Muslim denunciation app: The iCondemn®!”
He said that with iCondemn®, Muslims can say “not in my name” at the speed of life!™ And non-Muslims no longer need to wonder whether 1.6 billion Muslims around the world feel the guilt and sincerely apologize for that latest reprehensible crime some idiot carried out while shouting “Allahu Akbar!”