Job fairs open up employment market for Saudis

The Jeddah Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI) has launched an initiative to help Saudis get jobs in the private sector.

March 25, 2015

Fatima Muhammad


Fatima Muhammad

Saudi Gazette



JEDDAH — The Jeddah Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI) has launched an initiative to help Saudis get jobs in the private sector.

The initiative — in cooperation with the Human Resources Development Fund, King Abdulaziz University and various private sector companies — offers job opportunities for Saudi youth through jobs fairs.

Abid Al-Aqad, the head of recruitment at the JCCI, said job fairs will be organized every three months.

These job fairs will provide employment to Saudis with minimum monthly salaries of SR5,000.

The first such job fair started this week at the JCCI. On Tuesday, some 1,000 Saudi women visited the JCCI to apply for the 375 jobs offered by 60 companies. Saudi youths are expected to get 2,600 jobs in 70 different specializations.

In later stages, job fairs will be organized for scholarship students and engineers, said Al-Aqad.

Adnan Mandoura, secretary-general of the JCCI, urged Saudi youth to visit the job fair.

The JCCI and its partners are keen to localize jobs and prepare Saudis for the employment market in cooperation with the Ministry of Labor, Technical and Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC) and the Human Resources Development Fund.

Mandoura said the current job fair has succeeded in connecting job seekers with companies looking for qualified citizens.

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