Abdulrahman Abdulaziz Al-Haza
The Kingdom has succeeded over the past few years in combating all forms of terrorism. We, as citizens, feel secure in our country and have no doubt that our vigilant security forces are ready to rise to the occasion when needed. I appreciate the efforts made by scholars, academicians and the media in educating the public about terrorism. However, more effort needs to be made. There are many ways terrorists can accomplish their goals and we, as citizens, need to be alert.
Firstly, each and every citizen should condemn terrorism openly and talk frequently with others about the terrorist activities carried out in the Kingdom over the past years. Terrorists should realize that the majority of society opposes their actions. This is an effective way to fight terrorism, especially if you are an influential person in your field. Unfortunately, some people choose to refrain from condemning terrorism. In my opinion, these people are like mute devils who refuse to speak out against what is wrong.
Secondly, we should not underestimate the issue of terrorism. There are outside players and foreign powers involved in scheming against the Kingdom. These players and powers have adopted a long-term policy in carrying out terrorism. They will never stop; therefore, we should also never stop exerting efforts to eradicate terrorism.
Thirdly, never hesitate to condemn terrorism or take what appears to be a neutral position on this issue. Hesitation makes you weak and vulnerable. Terrorists and members of Daesh (the self-proclaimed IS) focus on vulnerable people when it comes to recruitment. Say no to terrorism as loud as you can.
Fourthly, do not support terrorism financially. We are kind people and love to help others. However, we should not help terrorists financially. Do not be naïve and donate money to organizations or charities that you know nothing about. Try to find as much information as possible about charities before making donations for they may support terrorism.
Fifthly, do not pass on videos showing terrorists carrying out horrific activities or making statements about certain issues. Terrorists do this to attract more people to their websites and organizations. If you receive an SMS or a video about terrorist activities, do not pass it on to others. Unfortunately, many do not do follow this advice and tend to tweet the statements made by terrorists.