Shahd Alhamdan
Saudi Gazette
Currently many people on social media are expressing their feelings towards breast cancer disease. Several hashtags were created to support the breast cancer campaigns around the world.
Following trending hashtags inside and outside the Kingdom is a great way to find out how people think about breast cancer disease and how they are supporting it.
One trending hashtag was ‘BreastCancerAwareness’ and it had a high rate of participation. One twitter user said: “I don’t have breast cancer, but if I relied on #BreastCancerAwareness I’d never know it was even possible, so I wonder how real patients feel.”
Another user tweeted, “Stop drinking so much damn dairy and cut soy out. Oh and buy organic aluminium free products especially deodorant.”
In one of the tweets a guy explained that his mother is celebrating 25 years as a survivor. Another tweet said: “I respect a man who can wear pink. Especially in October #savethetatas.”
Some partaking in the ‘BreastCancer’ hashtag tweetied food and health tips. “A delicious recipe to help you maintain a healthy weight to reduce your risk of #BreastCancer. Enjoy!!”
Another tweet explained that one in eight women receive a breast cancer diagnosis and emphasized that early detection is key.
Another commenter in this hashtag illustrated that understanding how to detect/treat breast cancer is the purpose of tonight’s power of the pink event.
One of the hashtags supporting breast cancer is named “Pinkribbons”. In this hashtag one of the users explained how a person can perform their self exam.
“The worst part was the fear we felt. Having annual gynecological examination is very important for you and your partner,” one of the hashtag comments said. Another users mention, “Don’t buy me a #pinkribbon or any ribbon that doesn’t have causes as part of their research, or support those environmental causes.”
Some companies and associations participated in several hashtags to support the breast cancer disease. In ‘Paintourtownpink’ hashtag one of the companies said, “October is the start of our Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We will be accepting donations in the office!” Ford has been supporting the breast cancer campaign on Twitter too.
Neighborhood Ford Stores presented Breast Cancer quilt to Wheeling Hospital-helping to encourage patients. Another user wrote, “Do you know a warrior in Pink? @Ford and Lyft partner to offer rides to DFW breast cancer patients in October.”
Several surveys, studies, and researches are provided in these hashtags.