Signs of Breast Cancer

Signs of Breast Cancer

October 24, 2015

Shahd Alhamdan

Shahd Alhamdan
Saudi Gazette

When it comes to the importance of health checks, gender or age doesn’t matter.

Checking for breast cancer is an essential part of any check-up, and as part of the current Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Saudi Gazette has spoken with experts on the condition about how to self-check.

Breast cancer can develop due to a number of reasons, such as genes and family history, environment, lifestyle, taking hormones, and how you treat your body.

According to medical research from 2011, there are around 40,000 breast cancer cases among women, and 400 men also died from the  breast cancer.

According to one of the National Cancer Registry studies published on King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, 24 percent of all cancer cases in the Kingdom are breast cancer.

Each year, around 8000 new cases are found, and over half of these are in late stages.

While breast cancer rates in the Middle East, and especially the Kingdom, are high and increasing, many people are unaware they have breast cancer until it is in later stages.

It is vital that those suffering any of the general signs that could indicate breast cancer visit a doctor for further testing and advice.

The American Cancer Society illustrated that unusual lumps in the underarm area can be an indicator that a person is suffering from a breast cancer.

Another sign for Breast Cancer appearance would be the alteration in the breast shape or size.

Skin changes, such as increased skin irritation or changes in color around the breast area can also be another indicator of breast cancer.

Constantly sore breasts, or pain around breasts can also be an indicator of breast cancer.   Those suffering any of these signs should visit their doctor immediately, as delays just increase health risks.

Yearly check-ups are also highly recommended.

October 24, 2015