JCCI seminar opens way for Saudi food exports to Japan

JCCI seminar opens way for Saudi food exports to Japan

October 29, 2015
JCCI seminar opens way for  Saudi food exports to Japan
JCCI seminar opens way for Saudi food exports to Japan

Shahd Alhamdan

Shahd Alhamdan
Saudi Gazette

JEDDAH — Several Saudi businessmen, students and diplomats attended a seminar on Saudi food exports to Japan at the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI) on Wednesday.

The seminar, titled "Toward the Success of Saudi Food Export to Japan", was organized by the JCCI in cooperation with Japan Cooperation Center for the Middle East (JCCME) and Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO).

The event started at 9.30 a.m. with opening remarks by JCCI Secretary-General Adnan Mandourah. Japanese Consul General Matahiro Yamaguchi and Managing Director of JETRO Riyadh Office Takashi Mitsuka also spoke.

Managing Director of SANKO Trading Company, Ken Ito, gave a presentation about "Exporting Processed Food Products from Saudi Arabia."

After the presentation he offered one-to-one consultations for Saudi businessmen who are interested in the trade with Japan.

Yamaguchi said the seminar was an important step since Japan currently is major trading partner for the Kingdom.

Yamaguchi said it is a healthy trade relationship and the seminar gave Saudi businessmen the chance to think about the Japanese market for their products.

"We import a lot of oil from the Kingdom and export cars and electronics to the country but we need many other things. If Saudis want to export them, we are ready to help and that is the goal of holding this seminar," the consul general said.

He said Japan is interested in importing Saudi dates since there is a considerable number of Muslims in the country who cherish the product, especially during Ramadan.

"This program will help you to promote local Saudi products in Japan," he said.

Mitsuka said Saudi Arabia is a very important country for Japan especially in terms of oil supply. One third of Japan's total oil import is from the Kingdom, he said, adding that there is scope for expanding this relationship in other areas, including food export.

October 29, 2015