Foods that help lose weight fastest

Foods that help lose weight fastest

November 07, 2015

Shahd Alhamdan

Shahd Alhamdan
Saudi Gazette

Failing to control hunger is one of the struggles that many people face when it comes to weight loss. Eating foods that help you control your appetite for a longer period of time is one of the solutions for achieving faster weight loss.

Speaking to Saudi Gazette, Joud Bahareth, a dietitian who used to work in a Saudi hospital and is currently pursuing her master’s degree in the field, explained that there are several types of foods that can help people manage their appetites.

Foods containing high percentages of fibers and proteins are capable of controlling body hunger effectively. Bahareth suggested several types of foods including, apples and pears, lemons, oats, broccoli, grapefruit, quinoa and popcorn.

“Apples and pears consist of four and six grams of fibers respectively, fibers that are appetite suppressing,” she said while explaining that both fruits help the body avoid feeling hungry since they contain a large amount of antioxidants and they take more time than other fruits to digest.

Lemon was another recommended choice for fighting hunger and losing weight. She suggested adding lemon to most dishes because lemon is an alkaline-forming food which helps in promoting an optimal pH level in the intestines.

“Oats are rich in fiber, so a serving can help you feel full throughout the day,” she added. According to research, consuming a half-cup or around 4.6 grams of oats will help boost a person metabolism which can aid in weight loss since some of the body’s fats are burned.

Bahareth considers broccoli to be a vegetable that stands out since it contains less than 30 calories yet is full of fiber. What make it vital is that it not only fights several types of cancers but also prevents weight gain. Among fruits, grapefruit is key to fighting weight gain.

“Even if you change nothing about your diet, eating half a grapefruit before each meal can help you lose weight,” she said while adding that the fruit is rich in protein and contains at least 90 percent water, so consuming it with meals will make a person feel full.

For people that are not fan of fruits and vegetables, popcorn is the next best option to losing weight. Bahareth said four cups of popcorn includes three grams of fiber and if prepared with minimal salt and oil, contains less than 150 calories.

“One study found that snacking on popcorn helped dieters satisfy their hunger while staying on track with their weight-loss plan,” she added.

Quinoa is another option for people to feel full for a long period of time since quinoa is famous for being a high source of protein for vegans and it is gluten-free. Quinoa has almost double the fiber content of brown rice and that makes it a better choice for people on a diet.

November 07, 2015