Man saved from death in car crash

Man saved from death in car crash

November 11, 2015

TABUK — A man almost died in a road accident on Dhibaa Road. Tabuk Red Crescent reported the victim was driving on the highway when his vehicle swerved and crashed into a streetlamp. The lamp collapsed on the victim’s car barely missing him and leaving him trapped inside his smashed vehicle. The man was saved by nearby witnesses who hauled him out of his car. Paramedics took the victim to King Salman Military Hospital and the victim is currently under medical care.

Four injured in apartment fire

RIYADH — Four persons were injured in a fire that broke out in an apartment in Al-Shifaa District. Riyadh Red Crescent spokesman Abdullah Al-Miraibidh said the firemen extinguished the fire and the paramedics rescued four victims. One of the victims was a woman who suffered from a stroke and her lungs stopped breathing. The paramedics resuscitated her and took her to the hospital. The three other victims suffered from mild injuries and recovered quickly.

Trial of husband's 'murderer' delayed

TAIF — The Penal Court here deferred the trial of a woman who is accused of murdering her husband four years ago. The woman, in her 50s, allegedly killed her husband by setting him on fire. The woman lived with her husband and children in Al-Huwayah and the house was set on fire. The Civil Defense managed to save the woman and her children but the husband died. After thorough investigation of the incident, the police found a piece of cloth dipped in a flammable solution. The police also found that the room in which  the husband was found dead was locked. The police concluded that the woman locked her husband in the room and set the house on fire to make it seem like an accident. The couple, it was found out, had estranged relations for years and the accused endured several injuries from the husband's physical abuse. The police found the woman to be the only suspect who was capable of organizing the crime and had a motive to do it.

24 Egyptians hurt in road accident

TABUK — A total of 24 Egyptians were injured in a road accident in Dhibaa Governorate. The traffic department said a bus with Egyptian passengers toppled over due to reckless driving. All the injured were transported to the Dhibaa Hospital and are currently undergoing medical treatment. — Okaz/Saudi Gazette

November 11, 2015