Saudi education system does not reflect the reality of today’s world

Saudi education system does not reflect the reality of today’s world

November 13, 2015

Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Omar

Abdulaziz Al-Omar

If our education system continues to fail to reflect the reality of the situation of students in schools and continues to fail in focusing on students’ daily lives, it is bound to become a burden on the government’s budget. If our education system does not help students understand the events and things going on in their environment, then it will become useless and pointless.

What is the point of bombarding students with an abundance of knowledge to the extent that they are unable to utilize or apply that knowledge in their daily lives to improve themselves? Such a system has to be considered ineffective.

I remember reading an old report comparing high school student achievements in the Kingdom and the West. The results revealed that our students had more knowledge and information than their counterparts but that the Western students surpassed our students in applying their knowledge in life and in explaining things going on around them and improving their skills.

The graduates of our education system can no longer deal with daily life because the system teaches them things that do not reflect the reality of the world that they live in. They are not ready to play effective roles in society which would allow them to effectively contribute to their own development and that of the nation.

We have all heard depressing and frustrating stories about how many of our students today are hesitant and reluctant to take major decisions relating to their careers and education. They just seem to remain inactive and allow their parents to make decisions for them.

We should remember that the main goal of education today is to prepare students to live in a globalized world that is witnessing rapid changes.

November 13, 2015