Why are you apologizing?

Why are you apologizing?

November 18, 2015

Khaled Soliman
I UNDERSTAND when someone starts to condemn the terror attacks in Paris and denounce the criminals who committed them. This is an act of duty toward any violence that targets innocent lives. But what no one can understand is providing excuses for Islam and Muslims as if trying to justify the connection with the terrorists and their crimes.

Excuses mean admitting that these terrorists represent Islam and Muslims. This gives a reason for those who hate us to link this behavior to Islam and Muslims. It also contradicts with denouncing terrorism and the fact that these terrorists are a deviation and don’t represent Islam and Muslims.

If certain countries went into wars and committed massacres that history documented didn’t volunteer to apologize and ask for forgiveness, why is it that even before the dust of such terror actions fades away we start to offer voluntary apologies that contribute in condemning and supporting the accusations of others? Those who cannot tell, deliberately or unintentionally, the difference between real and masked Islam that was hijacked by these terrorist groups that do not reflect anything about Islam and Muslims!

Let those with the excuses calm down a little. These personal situations that contain naïve idealism don’t serve their countries’ policies in confronting the results of these terror attacks! It won’t change either the viewpoint of Western supremacy in addressing the conflict and bearing its consequences.

November 18, 2015