Amal Al-Sibai
Saudi Gazette
If a dietary weight loss advertisement claims that it is almost too good to be true; it probably is. It is too good to be true because it’s not true. There is no magic pill or a secret beverage to drink that burns away all body fat, while eating all that you want and as much as you want, without even exercising.
I hate to shatter your excitement about one weight loss product or another; I am usually not a pessimist. However, in order to improve health, lose weight and keep it off, we need to acknowledge the fact that swallowing a pill or drinking an herbal tea alone is not enough. This realization will save you a lot of money spent on so-called instant weight loss products and will save you the disappointment once you find out that they don’t work that way.
With that said, there are certain products that can be used to aid in weight loss, as long as you are willing to adjust your diet and get regular physical exercise. So, a good weight loss product is meant to complement a healthy diet and exercise program, not replace it.
Sifting through the studies on some recently popularized weight loss aids, I came up with the following list of products that may be helpful, but not without changes to diet and lifestyle.
The garcinia cambogia supplement is one of the new weight loss fads. Garcinia Cambogia is actually an Asian plant. The skin of the fruit contains a substance called hydroxycitric acid (HCA), the active ingredient used in supplements that have gained so much hype, but also attracted researchers.
Scientific studies show that in rats, HCA increases the level of the neurotransmitter, serotonin. An increase in serotonin elevates the mood and can reduce appetite and cravings. HCA also blocks the enzymecalled citrate lyase, which your body uses to make fat. Yet other studies show that in mice, garcinia cambogia supplements lowered insulin levels. Some studies claim that garcinia cambogia can increase metabolism so your body will burn calories faster.
Some research has found that garcinia cambogia can improve cholesterol levels, lowering triglycerides and LDL (the bad cholesterol) and raising HDL (the good cholesterol).
It all sounds good, but the problem is that most of the studies that showed that garcinia cambogia is promising were done in mice. The results in human studies were less impressive.
Garcinia cambogia supplements may cause a mild weight loss effect in some people, but overall the effects are small and unlikely to make a major difference. It may help as an addition to a healthy diet and exercise program.
Ginseng can be a useful herb for its weight-loss effects and health benefits. Ginseng will speed up your metabolism and make you feel more energetic throughout the day. However, again, ginseng or any other herb is not a miracle herb that will work overnight. That is why you need to improve your diet and increase physical activity.
Ginger boosts metabolism, which means it may help you burn fat faster and lose weight. Ginger may help a person to feel satiated; it acts a natural appetite suppressant. As a result, it reduces food consumption.
Ginger has a host of additional health benefits. Ginger helps lower cholesterol levels and it also acts as a blood thinner and reduces blood pressure. Ginger helps improve the immune system. It stimulates circulation and excretion of toxins from the body. Ginger has a beneficial effect on your overall digestive system. Ginger is very effective in reducing symptoms associated with motion sickness, and also dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and cold sweating in general. Ginger acts as an anti-inflammatory agent that helps reduce joint inflammation.
Green tea is an all in all healthy beverage. Many studies have shown that green tea can increase fat burning and help you lose weight. Of course, you should enjoy your green tea without sugar. Green tea has been shown to increase the burning of fat, when you are at rest but especially during exercise.
What gives green tea its wide range of health boosting properties is that it is loaded with antioxidants called catechins. These compounds in green tea have been shown to improve blood flow and lower cholesterol. Green tea is good for the heart and the brain. In one study, MRI images revealed that people who drank green tea had greater activity in the working-memory area of their brains. Green tea may help destroy cancer cells, but that research is still in its early stages.
Grapefruit has a great reputation when it comes to aiding weight loss, and that is partly true. Grapefruit has no special ability to burn fat. However, it is low in calories and its soluble fiber content can create a feeling of satiation, which means it fills you up so you do not overeat. Fiber makes you feel full, and half of a pink grapefruit contains about 2 grams of fiber.
Grapefruit is an excellent source of vitamin C. Pink and red grapefruit are good sources of disease-fighting beta-carotene.
For any weight loss program to be successful, it must also include regular exercise, at least 45 minutes of aerobic activity three times a week.
Be more critical of what you read and hear. The US Food and Drug Association recommends using caution with products that claim to be quick fixes, guarantee fast weight loss, and use the term natural. “Natural” doesn’t necessarily mean safe. There are many poisonous plants that are natural, but that can cause you serious harm.
You can use one of the weight loss aids mentioned, but you should also follow a balanced diet, low in fat and sugars, and make exercise a part of your weekly routine.