Young members of Creative Gavel Club elect office bearers

Young members of Creative Gavel Club elect office bearers

December 08, 2015
Young members of Creative Gavel Club elect office bearers
Young members of Creative Gavel Club elect office bearers

DAMMAM — The young members of Creative Gavel Club, Dammam, had a taste of electioneering  when they elected the office bearers for the club during their club meeting last week.

A total of 13 members of the club contested the elections for seven positions. While 4 positions were filled unanimously, there were three candidates each for the positions of president, sergeant-at-arm and secretary.

Ibrahim Mustafa was elected as president of the club while Taha Safi Hyder as vice president-education, and Ankita Nair as vice president-membership. Sadiqa Yasin (the current president) was elected as vice president-public relations, Akshaya Swathi was elected secretary, Chaidanya Ajith as treasurer and Ardra Unni as sergeant at arm.

These office bearers will hold the office from January 2016 till December 2016. The elections were conducted in a very professional and organized manner by the club counselor, N.C. Mani under the guidelines laid by the Toastmaster International in the presence of several senior toastmasters.

Senior toastmaster, Balachandran Pillai was the parliamentarian and supervised the proceedings. The meeting was also attended by the Area 25 Director of Toastmasters International, Prakashan Pallakadavath.

Within two years of its existence, Creative Gavel Club, a brain child of Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) N.C. Mani, a dedicated toastmaster, has gained popularity in the Toastmasters Fraternity and with the help of several senior toastmasters, the Creative club has turned many of the gaveliers into seasoned orators.

The club has 35 members and conducts its meeting once every two weeks. Owing to its popularity, there are many children who have listed their names to be the members and they will be accommodated when some members  leave the club.

Toastmasters is an international organization having presence in most of the countries and enables the members to learn the art of public speaking in a friendly and self paced environment. The Toastmasters movement has gained greater strength in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the past one decade. — SG

December 08, 2015