Thank you Donald Trump!

Thank you Donald Trump!

December 14, 2015
Hussein Shobokshi
Hussein Shobokshi

Hussein Shobokshi

Hussein Shobokshi

The anti-Muslims statements made by Republican Party front-runner did cause quite a stir to say the least. The reactions to his statements were as expected. People attacked him calling him a “bigot”, “racist”, “extremist” and other similar descriptions.

The truth of the matter is Donald Trump must be thanked for putting his thoughts on the table so bluntly and honestly. It is really very interesting to count how many “Trumps” are out there in the world today; Trumps which are in every country, every religion and every culture.

Donald Trump is not a dumb man. He has played his cards well throughout his career and used the media to boost his image and maximize his exposure.
What he is doing today is absolutely no different. Donald Trump is hitting on the insecurities and anxieties of the white population of America which feels very threatened by the coming challenges of the new pending demographics.

The growth and the strength of the Hispanic and Latino voters, as well as other minorities, and the rise of the African-American community as a political bloc. They have become defensive and worried and found in Donald Trump their hero and voice.

Donald Trump’s rhetoric (on paper) is clearly a representation of everything that is offensive to the American way of life and the American constitution. He, however, twists this very well by adding a dramatic dosage of stock value to his arguments.

What is horrific is that his polling numbers did not suffer; he still leads the race by a good margin.

All who are criticizing Donald Trump for what he said have every right to do so, however, they need to look at all the ‘Trumps’ in the world including the ones in their own neighborhood.

The world needed to hear Donald Trump’s opinion to realize the size of the problem, which exists. It’s time to move away from the hypocrisy and deal with the problem we face.

Trump, Le Pen, Daesh (so-called IS) and many others are only brand names for the real problem which is called “Intolerance!”

December 14, 2015