Fear of loneliness pushed him to success

Fear of loneliness pushed him to success

February 13, 2016
Businessman with disability sends out a message of hope
Businessman with disability sends out a message of hope

Layan Damanhouri

Layan Damanhouri
Saudi Gazette

“My fear of loneliness pushed me to seek success,” said Saleh Atwi, addressing an audience at the monthly meet hosted by the Jeddah Young Businessmen’s Committee at Jeddah Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Tuesday.

Atwi, a businessman with a physical disability since birth, recalled how he learned valuable lessons throughout his journey, which started modestly in his early years accompanying his father to a small shop, to become a successful businessman today, managing a dozen enterprises in different turfs.

“People with disabilities should not be pitied by the general public. Many of them live in isolation and refuse to leave their homes,” he said.

Schools in the past did not cater to children with special needs. Teachers were not trained to deal with students with disabilities nor were there special facilities in school buildings, making it a challenge for them to adapt.

Atwi said his decision to drop out in middle school was due to his inability to cope despite his teachers treating him normally like the other children.

However, having faith, modesty and integrity are keys to success for anyone, he said, adding that a close relationship with family is very supportive.

A family man, Atwi builds social relationship with other people with disabilities. He encourages those who live in isolation to live normally after overcoming their disabilities.

The meeting also explored lessons in management from Atwi’s work experience, particularly in the importance of successful leadership where he established a services office, six grocery stores and seven branches of a seafood restaurant.

When asked about the challenges he faced, Atwi said his experience in some business areas were unsuccessful due to low demand. He emphasized the need to study the market and recreate the brand.

Financial management is a must in any business, he said. “When one starts a business, the focus should not be on the financial returns but rather on its growth. Once the profit starts turning up, it’s important to expand and open other branches where there is a market need.”

Turning a hobby into a business has proved to be successful in Atwi’s career. He built a successful business out of his passion for fishing.

The discussion was attended by a diverse crowd from both the public and private sector as well as members of the Chamber of Commerce. Questions were posed following the panel discussion.

The monthly meeting aims to explore success stories from a variety of guests with a chance to openly discuss challenges and opportunities.

February 13, 2016