Nisma Rafiq
Saudi Gazette
Imagine that one day you woke up late in the morning and skipped your breakfast to catch the bus. You start feeling hungry in the class so you decided to take out your lunch box, and at that moment you realize that your Mom didn’t put the Lunch box in your bag as you forgot it on the table. “it’s okay” you’ll tell yourself walking to the school canteen. Unfortunately that day canteen was closed as well because of some maintenance work. What will be your reaction? Will you be able to tolerate the hunger?
May be you will wait to reach home and have the lunch there, but unfortunately your mom hasn’t finished cooking the meal yet. At this moment, you’ll become angry, irritated and frustrated and very hungry. You’ll eat or drink anything you’ll find just to stop the hunger pangs.
You can’t stay hungry for a day, but there are people in the world who don’t have anything to eat when they are hungry. According to a report, more than 850 million people in the world are hungry and almost 40 million people die each year because of hunger and many of them are children.
Do you know there is enough food in the world so that no one could go hungry? But because of difference in land, climate and especially the wealth distribution – some countries are rich in food and other are not.
Many people waste food and just throw it away. If you cannot clean your plate you should give it to your mom and not just throw the food in the trash.
Try to take the right amount from the serving dish or ask your parent to do it for you.
If you don’t like something, don’t say it right away. Be polite and grateful that you have food on your plate, whereas there are many others who don’t.
Choose healthy eating over junk and continuous eating. If you’ll eat fresh and healthy – you will not only feel good, but you can also make others feel good.
Tell your mom what you want to eat before she cooks. It will help her and you to cook the right thing that everyone will eat.
Tell your friends and family about healthy fruits and vegetables and why it is important not to waste food.
Allah has created everything in this world and He has also provided us with food. Now it is our duty to take proper care of this blessing and use it in a way that is helpful to everyone.
Eat the food, but don’t over eat. It is not good for your stomach also making you lousy and fat.
Plant vegetables and fruits in your garden. You will love to see them grow from small flowers to big plants. You will fall in love with the nature.
Humans need food to live and to work. So, we should not waste food by making some minor changes in our eating habits. Promise yourself that you will love food from now on!