Fatima Muhammad
Saudi Gazette
JEDDAH — Saudi women will have a special department which will look into their sport activities, Prince Abdullah Bin Musaid, president of Youth Welfare, said on Wednesday in response to a question raised by businesswoman Mudawi Al-Hassoun.
Speaking to Saudi Gazette at the Jeddah Economic Forum (JEF) on the sidelines of a session entitled “The Future of Sports in Saudi Arabia,” Hassoun said that she hopes the proposed department plays an effective role in promoting sports for Saudi women. “Saudi women need support to get what they have missed previously,” she said.
Female participation in sports should start from early school grades so that Saudi women can have their share in international sport events, she added.
Lina Almaeena, a coach and founder of a women basketball team, called the announcement a historical move for sports for women in the Kingdom.
“We want sports for women in Saudi Arabia with a clear religious identity,” she said.
“We hope this department helps in obtaining licenses, get the encouragements needed, get qualified sport personnel and human resources,” Almaeena said, adding that no time frame has been announced when the department will start functioning and nothing has been mentioned about the types of sports which will be included or excluded.
Prince Musaid promised at the Jeddah Economic Forum session that the standard of sports will improve in the coming years. He listed the two main obstacles facing privatization as the lack of qualified managers and financial instability in clubs.
“We all strive to create a competitive sector that has many investment opportunities,” he said. — With input from Saleh Fareed