Customs officers at Dhiba foil bid to smuggle banned tramadol pills

Customs officers at Dhiba foil bid to smuggle banned tramadol pills

March 07, 2016
Customs officers at Dhiba foil bid to smuggle banned tramadol pills
Customs officers at Dhiba foil bid to smuggle banned tramadol pills

TABUK — Customs officers at Dhiba port in foiled an attempt to smuggle 22,000 tramadol pills, an opioid pain medication used to treat pain, hidden inside the spindles of a truck. The drug is banned in the Kingdom.

Customs officers at Dhiba foil bid to smuggle banned tramadol pillsActing Director of Dhiba Customs Dhaifallah Al-Sharari pointed out whatever the amount of a banned substance and however sophisticated the methods to smuggle them might be, the training and skills of customs officers help them detect and thwart any attempt of smuggling.

March 07, 2016