Interests model for a greater social impact

Interests model for a greater social impact

March 08, 2016

Shahd Alhamdan

Shahd Alhamdan
Saudi Gazette

JEDDAH — Focusing on creating a social impact, linking what someone is doing with the results and the effect he eventually wants to have, reflecting shared interests through articulating the values and creative projects were some of the key concepts and points that were discussed during the two-day Kaamen Shared Interests Model workshop here that ended on Monday.

The workshop, held at King’s Tower was organized by the founder of Kaamen organization, Reem Khouri. Similar workshops were earlier held in Riyadh and Al-Khobar.

The workshop in Jeddah was attended by several young Saudis and expatriates where they learned on ways to engage in several models including the Logic Model.

This model enables a person to learn ways to pick the activities that he/she will do, define the desired output that will influence the society and the person.

One of the workshop goals is to define the impact areas that address the economic and social shared interests of all stakeholders, as well as having a model with clear and specific indicators that assess the organizational performance continuously.

Reem Khouri explained that the workshops concentrated on how to build models that have a social impact that is continuous and profitable. She added the the attendees learned ways to design the social impact and the measurement tools for the desired outcome.

“I have met some amazing young Saudis. To be honest, I have met a lot of youth who have already started to think of solutions. Some people are complaining, but those youth decided to fine solutions rather than to complain,” she said.

Khouri said the youth are trying to find solutions related to the workforce and the skills they have in finding jobs or create their own opportunities in education. Young people are trying to find solution on how to find a different educational opportunity.

During the workshop around six projects were presented to solve daily issues in the society such as the transportation issue. One of the projects concentrate on having libraries in Saudi Arabia and Africa and focusing on the education.

“ All of the projects are focusing on developing youth path, create jobs in the market, having training, and education to have the social impact,” she added.

March 08, 2016