Corporations must be socially responsible

Corporations must be socially responsible

March 11, 2016
Muhammad Al-Hassani
Muhammad Al-Hassani

Muhammad Al-Hussaini

IN light of the current changes all over the world, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is no longer only the duty of companies but of every member of society. We should all play a major role in this and better serve our societies.

In the past, some companies had reservations about the CSR programs they implemented because the programs and activities focused on the interests of society, not of the companies. Some even viewed CSR programs negatively because they did not generate profit for companies.

However, this view has changed over time and the majority of companies now strongly believe that CSR programs are important to society and can have a positive impact on members of society. The programs help strengthen the sustainability of development plans and enhance the values of social responsibility in society.

Every staff member of a company is considered part of society. They are, in fact, members of society and have spouses and children who belong to society. This means that their family members will also benefit from CSR programs.

It is difficult to list all the benefits and positive results of CSR programs. The projects that companies implement and the charity that they give all fall under the CSR concept. These programs can also help develop education and healthcare services and protect the environment. More importantly, they can play a pivotal role in reducing unemployment and poverty, increasing human development, supporting family care programs as well as those concerned with women and orphans, encouraging innovation, and helping citizens lead better lives.

We have a large number of young men and women who are looking for job opportunities. CSR programs can help them start their own businesses by giving them financial support. The most important thing any CSR program provides is sustainability. They have to be sustainable to achieve their sought-after goals.

March 11, 2016