Women terrorists provided logistics to Daesh

Women terrorists provided logistics to Daesh

March 17, 2016

Mansour Al-Shehry

RIYADH — Recent confrontations with Daesh and Al-Qaeda terrorists have exposed their appalling moral and behavioral degradation and their breach of Shariah principles. The two terrorist groups have been using all means to carry out terror operations and recruited women for the purpose. They allowed women to be alone with strange men.

Incidents involving Banan and other Daesh women were not the first. There several other women terrorists involved in similar crimes. It highlights the terror group’s violation of the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah as well as social and moral values.

Al-Qaeda and Daesh recruited women for terror operations exploiting their special status in the Kingdom. It was successful in recruiting women whose minds have been polluted by deviant thoughts and ideas and were involved in immoral and un-Islamic activities.

Women terrorists have been providing logistic support to the organization. Some of these women have been traveling with unrelated men while some others were involved in disseminating false messages through social media and Internet websites.

The wife of Abu Misaab Al-Zarqawi, the leader of Al-Qaeda, came to Iraq after abandoning her former husband. A former university lecturer, the woman was married to one of the Mujahideen fighters in Afghanistan. She left her husband when he prevented her visiting websites of deviant and suspicious groups that backed terrorist operations in the Kingdom.

She offered herself to the Al-Qaeda leader in Iraq. While attempting to leave for Iraq in February 2005, the woman was turned back from King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah as she was banned from traveling. Security agencies informed her family that she had been communicating with Al-Qaeda militants and the family then gave an undertaking that it would take care of her.

However, she managed to flee from the Kingdom with her three sons and without informing her husband. An Al-Qaeda terrorist was held in Yemen later and during investigation he informed police that he had helped the woman and her children to sneak into Yemen.

The terrorist organization later helped the woman and her children to get fake passports, which they used to travel to Syria and then to Iraq. One of the returnees from Iraq later reported that she was married to Al-Zarqawi. The woman was killed after the death of Al-Zarqawi.

There was another female terrorist who is known as the most dangerous woman of Al-Qaeda. She had married to an imprisoned terrorist through telephone and she used to meet him at prison. This marriage did not continue for long as the man’s previous wife learned about the secret affair.

While the previous wife was on an appointment to meet her husband, she was banned from entering the prison premises on the ground that her husband had already met his wife. But the first wife had no clue about what was happening so she lodged a complaint through her father against the jail authorities for preventing her from having a private meeting with her husband giving false reasons.

The investigation committee later informed the woman’s father that the man’s wife had already met him but the father insisted that his daughter had never conducted such a meeting. When checked the fingerprint, security officials came to know that it belonged to the woman who was married to the militant through telephone. He had spent with her 15 hours after misleading jail officials that she was the first wife registered in prison records.

A third woman terrorist also abandoned her former husband after they had three children to marry a terrorist. The marriage took place while he was out of prison. He instilled the deviant ideology in her mind during this period. While they were planning to travel to Afghanistan she came to know that her husband was cheating her by spending the night with another woman.

The man later used the mediation of an Afghan militant, who was blind and had an amputated leg. But the Afghan exploited the situation and informed the woman that her husband was still having secret affairs. The Afghan then continued to contact her and encouraged her to visit his country. He made a secret arrangement to bring her to Afghanistan and he offered to marry her without informing her former husband or other relatives. The two then met in Iran. The woman later ran away with another Afghan. When the two tried to visit Saudi Arabia on a Haj visa both were detained by security authorities in the Kingdom.

Two other female terrorists had played a big role in spreading the deviant ideology among Saudi women and they formed a women terror cell in the Kingdom. One of them adopted parent-less children from the Social Affairs Ministry and injected deviant ideas in their minds. Security authorities then withdrew those children from the woman and handed them over to a care center.

The second one encouraged her children to carry out suicide operations.The Daesh terror group has been using women since its inception to carry out various criminal operations to get wide media attention and publicity.

Reema, a former Al-Qaeda member, joined Daesh in Syria. In 2013, she tried to smuggle her 15-year-old son to Syria. In 2014, she went to Yemen and then to Syria to meet her son and Daesh leaders.

Nada is another terrorist who introduced herself as the sister of Julaibeeb through Twitter. She went to Syria to join the fighting there after her brother had gone there.

Sajir is another female terrorist who had gone to Syria with her three sons through Turkey.

March 17, 2016