A dangerous hobby

A dangerous hobby

March 18, 2016
Young men spend a fortune modifying cars
Young men spend a fortune modifying cars

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MANY young men love to modify their cars by adding different accessories to make them look more advanced and attractive.

Some of them spend vast sums of money to modify some parts of their cars completely and add expensive accessories, Al-Riyadh daily reports.

Some replace regular doors with ones that open vertically, or add parts to the engine to dramatically increase its horsepower.

Others add turbochargers or superchargers, both of which are expensive and can cost as much as SR50,000. Even others use fuel additives or install nitrous oxide canisters to make the car travel faster on the road.

Some young men spend as much as SR100,000 to modify their cars. But engineering experts have criticized such owners for spending large amounts of money on their cars and claim they are wasting their time and energy on the hobby, which could be dangerous to both themselves and other road users.

They have even called on the authorities to find substitute entertainment programs and activities they say would help young men do something constructive with their spare time.

Others have called upon the authorities to create special places where owners of modified cars can meet and share their love for vehicles.

Modifying important parts of a car, such as the tires, rims and the engine, can sometimes pose a danger to the owner and others on the road. Unless properly installed, some of the modifications introduced to a car may not conform to international safety and security standards.

Many young men love to show off with their cars on the roads and some tend to engage in drifting or driving at high speeds, risking their life and those of other drivers. Some young men remove the springs in the car’s suspension system that is needed for absorbing impacts and supporting the car’s weight.

If owners remove the springs themselves without the assistance of a specialized technician, it can make their vehicles un-roadworthy and even dangerous to drive.

In the past, many young men loved to change the interior design of their cars, replacing car seat covers with custom upholstery, installing floor mats that match the color of the upholstered seats, tinting car windows, fixing additional lamps to the front and rear of the car, and using chrome and nickel rims to the tires and loud and noisy horns.

Gradually, young men started to take interest in having some of the front and rear coil springs removed by mechanics.

The majority of young men love to modify vehicles such as Toyota pickups, Mazdas and Hondas but there are others who toy with luxury brands such as Mercedes-Benz.

March 18, 2016