Khaled Al-Soliman
ONCE again the society was provoked by an acting scene. Princess Noura University announced that investigations proved that the video clip showing a young man busting a bus transporting university’s girl students was just an acting scene which had no connections whatsoever with the university or its students.
Because of hastiness, some sectors of the society hurried to speak of the clip as if it was a real crime against innocent girl students. However, this was not the first time marketing a product was done at the expense of society. Few months back, there was a video showing a famous football player being provoked by fanatic fans who were only distracting him to steal his car.
After a wave of angry comments on the social media tools, it was discovered that the whole thing was a fiasco. The producers of a TV series targeting soccer hooligans wanted to market their soap opera by this scene.
In fact the soccer fans became more fanatic and more attached to their teams. So the TV series brought all the wrong results.
The scene of the young man busting the bus and filming the girls went viral on the social media. The local, Arab and foreign media spoke about the incident as if it was areal one.
The foreign media started to mock the Kingdom and its people. The Kingdom is already being targeted so we should not give its enemies the reasons and justifications to continue to do so.
The locally brewed fake scenes have become tools for stabbing the Kingdom from outside. The artists, actors and film producers should realize that using fake scenes to promote a product is a cheap and unethical method.