Labor minister heads the delegation to 43th session of ALO conference in Cairo next Sunday

Labor minister heads the delegation to 43th session of ALO conference in Cairo next Sunday

April 07, 2016

HE Labor Minister Dr. Mufarrej bin Saad Al-Haqubani will head next Sunday the Saudi delegation to the 43th session of Arab Labor Organization Conference that is expected to kick off in Cairo, holding from 10 to 17 April.

Ziyad Al-Sayegh, deputy minister for international labor affairs at the ministry of labor, said the current session will address several points of discussion including the ALO report on development challenges and aspirations as well as annual follow-up report on the Arab standard employment contract.

It would discuss accomplishments and outcomes that were achieved during the year 2015, in addition to results yielded by the 35th sessions of committee on freedom of association and 14th session of Arab women affairs committee, he added further.

The conference will put forward the decisions and recommendations made by the ALO board of directors' meetings chaired by the labor minister, besides the outputs of 96th and 97th sessions of the Arab Economic and Social Council.

Furthermore, the rendezvous will focus on the ALO draft plan and budget (2017-2018) handed by the Arab Labor office and its affiliating institutes and centers.

Also, it will pay undivided attention to the recommendations proposed by ALO and appointment of legal experts committee in order to assume positions. Meanwhile, the Arab labor leaders will be rewarded during the inauguration of conference.

It is noteworthy that the conference will give emphasis on the economic, social and collective roles to increase employment in the Arab world and form a committee for information exchange as well as its impact on regulating the Arab labor markets.

Moreover, it will generate a number of recommendations to submit to the ALO Director-General for approval.

April 07, 2016