Disharmony at workplace

Disharmony at workplace

April 10, 2016
Ibrahim Mohammed Badawood
Ibrahim Mohammed Badawood

Ibrahim Mohammed Badawood

About two years ago I wrote an article titled “Don’t wait for people to celebrate your resignation,” explaining the happiness of employees after the resignation of their managers or bosses at work. Many people wait with patience to hear that good news. Unfortunately, some others expect more than the manager’s resignation.

This clearly indicates that the manager was not successful in winning the respect and appreciation of employees who work with him or he has failed to make any tangible achievement that would have helped him remain in his position.

Recently Okaz Arabic daily published a report that a chamber of commerce employee in the Kingdom celebrated the resignation of his boss. It also published a photo of the celebratory cake on which it was written that “Your departure is Eid,” which shows how happy the employee was over the leaving of his boss. The chamber then issued a statement saying the employee’s action was unacceptable.

The employee organized that celebration at his office in the presence of a large number of his colleagues. He then posted the photo on the social media networks.

Such actions are not at all acceptable and they go against the Kingdom’s culture and traditions. It shows the unbecoming behavior of the department and its staff members. Why should we leave matters of certain departments to this level? Why should we allow the relationship among the team workers to deteriorate to this pathetic level? Why do these departments fail to find suitable solutions?

Having conflicts at work places is quite natural. What is abnormal is that leaving internal conflicts to exacerbate without taking corrective action from the beginning. Unfortunately, many departments do not give any importance to such problems and do not intend to solve them. This happens mainly because of the inefficiency of the manager who may not be qualified to take up that position.

Such managers think that their position is just to show off and that their nominal presence without any commitment was enough. Some managers who receive good media coverage do not like to leave their position and try to hold on to it at any cost despite their failures.

Although these may be individual cases but the unjust administrative actions of some department managers result in such behavior. All government departments must try their best to bring unity among its teams of workers, find solutions to narrow their differences and strengthen their relations, so that when they leave office, people should write on the cake “Your departure is painful.”

How beautiful it would be for a government employee when he/she retires from the job, all his colleagues wished that he/she had remained in the position for some more years.

April 10, 2016