Unity need of the hour: King

Unity need of the hour: King

April 11, 2016
Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman addresses Egypt’s Parliament on Sunday as Speaker Ali Abdulal looks on. — SPA
Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman addresses Egypt’s Parliament on Sunday as Speaker Ali Abdulal looks on. — SPA

Saudi Gazette report

Watch video: Salman becomes first Saudi leader to address Egypt’s parliament.

Saudi Gazette report

CAIRO — Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman called for “unity” and “joint alliance” during his historic speech at Egypt’s parliament on Sunday where he became the first Saudi leader to address the legislature.

In his six-minute address, King Salman said Egypt and Saudi Arabia have agreed to build a bridge linking the nations across the Red Sea and to work together to create a pan-Arab defense force.

[caption id="attachment_47630" align="alignright" width="300"]Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman receives a memento from Egypt’s Parliament Speaker Ali Abdulal before his address to the House in Cairo on Sunday. — SPA Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman receives a memento from Egypt’s Parliament Speaker Ali Abdulal before his address to the House in Cairo on Sunday. — SPA[/caption]

Lawmakers received the King with deafening applause and a standing ovation. Some lawmakers waved the Kingdom’s green flag, while others chanted “all of Egypt greets you.”

Addressing the parliamentarians, the King said: “To remedy our nations’ issues, we need a united stance. Experiences have shown that work amid joint alliance makes us much stronger.”

“We are working together to launch an Arab joint force,” the King said, adding that “terrorism” and “radicalism” must be fought financially, militarily and ideologically.

King Salman stressed that the Kingdom and Egypt have a historical opportunity to make tremendous economic strides through bilateral cooperation.

The King hailed the recent deals signed between Riyadh and Cairo after the two agreed to set up a $16 billion investment fund on Saturday.

King Salman said the planned bridge over the Red Sea will not only “connect Asia and Africa” but it will be a “gate to Africa,” boosting exports of the two countries and creating job opportunities for people in the region.
He also said the planned free trade zone in northern Sinai Peninsula will also boost the region economically.

“The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Egypt have a historic opportunity to achieve huge economic leaps by cooperating with each other,” he said.

Before his address, Egypt’s Parliament Speaker Ali Abdulal said, “This is the first time a Saudi King talks with Egypt’s people from this (parliament) dome.”

“History won’t forget how you (King Salman) led the Decisive Storm to end Yemen’s crisis” and formed the Islamic Alliance against terrorism,” said Abdulal.

He said both Cairo and Riyadh are battling what he described “black terrorism,” and both share similar “visions and realizations” on different issues.

In December, Saudi Arabia announced the creation of an “anti-terrorism” coalition whose members it said would share intelligence, counter violent ideology and deploy troops if necessary to combat extremists.

The Kingdom is part of the US-led coalition bombing the Daesh group in Iraq and Syria.

April 11, 2016