Renad Ghanem
CAIRO — In a recent speech Egyptian President Abdel Fatah El-Sisi announced a mobile donation initiative that lets Egyptian citizens donate funds to the government via sending a text message.
By sending a message, citizens can donate 1EGP to the government through the Long Live Egypt Fund.
El-Sisi said the simple move would help support Egypt’s economy and facilitate development.
Egyptians responded well to the initiative, with donations flowing in via the number minutes after El-Sisi’s announcement.
Those using the service are able to donate either EGP1 or EGP5, and although users can send in an empty message, many are choosing to send patriotic messages along with their donation.
Around EGP2.5 million was donated in the first four days after the initiative was announced, and reached EGP4 million in under a month. Egyptian’s living abroad have called for an international number to allow them to send in donations.
The government has said it is looking at setting up an international number, but those living abroad are also able to donate directly to the Support Egypt campaign bank account.
On Egyptian expatriate in Jeddah, Ahmed Elhamy, said he wished there was an international number to send donations too.
“We as Egyptians expatriates wish that the government set up an international donation number. We love our country and we wish to help the economy as much as we can, if they make this number, I’ll donate every day, saying good morning and good night to my country,” he said.
One emotional screenshots from the campaign came from an Egyptian police officer who wrote in his first donation message: “I wasn’t stingy with soul to protect you. Do you thing I would be stingy with my money. Good morning my lovely Egypt.”
Egyptian citizen, Lobna Tarek, wrote in her first message: “I believed every word Mr. President said. He was very honest, I love Egypt and I’ll support our economy,”
Gina Moris, another Egyptian who also posted her message on Facebook wrote: “Good morning Egypt. Good morning my love. I love you more than I love my mother.”