56 Saudis treated for food poisoning

56 Saudis treated for food poisoning

April 25, 2016

NAJRAN — As many as 56 people were treated for food poisoning after they had taken food from a restaurant in Khabbash governorate. Najran Municipality spokesman Abdullah Al-Fadel said the Health Affairs Directorate reported that 56 Saudis were admitted to various hospitals with food poisoning. The municipality formed a committee consisting of representatives from the municipality, the Health Affairs Directorate and the Saudi Food and Drugs Authority. The municipality closed down the restaurant temporarily and took samples of the food and workers to the laboratory. The restaurant did not have any previous record of health and safety violations. All victims have recovered except for 16 who are still in King Khalid Hospital. However, their condition is stable.

Unknown gunmen
fire at man in Qatif

DAMMAM — A man was shot in his foot by anonymous gunmen as he walking down a street in Qatif governorate. Eastern Province Police spokesman Col. Ziyad Al-Raqiti said the police received reports around midnight Friday that a man was taken to a Qatif hospital with gunshot wounds. The man in his 30s was shot as he was walking down a street in Al-Awamiyah by several individuals whom he does not recognize. The victim also said he was with his son and thankfully his son was not wounded in the gunfire. The man said he received a phone call asking him to meet at a certain spot. The meeting point is where he was shot. The police are still investigating the incident and the gunmen are not identified yet.

Labor inspectors arrest
three women expats

JEDDAH — Three women expatriates were arrested for working for an employer who is not their sponsor. A spokesman for Jeddah Labor Office said a Saudi woman reported a tailor shop for women to the authorities. Women inspectors from the Labor Office raided the tailor shop and recorded several violations. The owner of the shop has given the office inaccurate information about the location of her shop. The owner has also not followed through with the health and safety reports of the shop. The inspectors also reported that the shop did not have a first aid kit. They arrested three expatriate women workers who had escaped from their legal sponsor. The arrested expatriates were handed over to the pertinent authorities for further action.

April 25, 2016