Students apologize publicly for humiliating teacher

Students apologize publicly for humiliating teacher

April 26, 2016
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Education

Mohammad Makki
Okaz/Saudi Gazette

RIYADH — A number of high school students gave a public apology for posting a video on social media humiliating one of their teachers.

The father of one of the students said his son and his friends posted the video, which showed how they harassed the teacher.

“My son goes to Al-Huda High School. He and his friends were harassing and humiliating their teacher. Their actions were caught on video and the video went viral on social media. I am very ashamed of my son but I am happy to see the general public harshly censuring the actions of my son and his friends,” said the father.

He added the video was seen by Riyadh Education Affairs director and he reprimanded his son and his friends. “The video was condemned by the directorate and the school administration. The director and the school principal agreed that the students should give the teacher a public apology as they have humiliated him publicly,” said the father.

He also said his son and his friends would be graduating this year and their actions could reflect badly on their reputation in future. “I have been in contact with the parents of my son’s friends and they also feel ashamed of their sons’ actions. The students have apologized to the teacher publicly with a hashtag #I_am_proud_of_Al-Huda_School,” said the father.

He added that the teacher welcomed the students’ apology and has forgiven them.

“The teacher showed his appreciation to the school and his pride in the parents of the students and his confidence that the students were raised well and have good ethics and morals. He was very welcoming and forgiving. My son regrets his actions deeply and is grateful for the positive reaction the school had to his apology,” said the father.

Education counselor Dr. Mohammad Abu Talib said the circulation of people’s private moments on social media could harm them greatly. “The school dealt with the situation gracefully. The students are old enough to understand that their actions must be reprimanded and they have accepted the consequences of their action wisely.,” said the father.

April 26, 2016