JEDDAH — Since the announcement of complete Saudization of all cell phone sales and maintenance stores, the future for expatriates in the sector looks grim.
Nearly 60 days have passed since the announcement on March 6, and the market is yet to witness a serious move to employ at least 50 percent Saudis in the sector. This signals that owners of cell phone stores will face difficulties when the deadline set by the Ministry of Labor approaches.
On the first of Dhul Hijja, three months from now, the ministry will ban foreign workers from working inside all cell phone sales and maintenance stores. Owners have expressed fears that they face huge financial losses when the decision will be implemented.
In Abha, many cell phone stores have shut down with signs posted on window fronts asking Saudis looking for employment to contact the owner. Saudis currently working in the sector have said the ministry’s decision provides a great opportunity for young unemployed nationals to earn a living but they cast doubt on the ministry’s ambitious plans to achieve 100 percent Saudization.
Muhammad Akram, an expatriate currently working in a cell phone store as a salesman, said he understands the decision is for the benefit of locals but with only 5 percent Saudization of the sector, he doubts 100 percent Saudization is an achievable goal.
Shareef, another expatriate worker, said that most of the stores in Abha that have closed down employ illegal expatriates. “Many owners are afraid of the fines but the situation will only worsen in the next six months.”
Faisal Al-Qahtani, a Saudi working in the sector for more than 20 years, said the cell phone market remains robust and profitable.
Several expatriates working in the cell phone market have said that Saudis need more time to enter the market and that they are willing to leave their jobs for Saudis once they are told to do so by their sponsors.
However, with few Saudi men and women applying for jobs in these stores, it remains to be seen whether or not the ministry will be able to achieve its goals of 100 percent Saudization.