RIYADH — The Committee of Security Affairs at the Shoura Council has supported a proposal calling for amending travel document laws to eliminate the problems Saudi women, both single and married, face whenever they want to travel, informed sources told Al-Madinah daily.
The amendments, which will be introduced following approval, will be in line with the Shariah rules, the Basic Government Law and the social norms and traditions. The calls for such amendment seek to bring the passport issuance procedures up to date with global standards adopted by many advanced countries.
In a nutshell, the proposal focuses mainly on granting full citizenship rights to Saudi women without jeopardizing the national security of the country, especially in light of the current political and security situation in nearby countries. The proposal will ensure that guardians do not take advantage of Saudi women who get passports and brainwash them and send them abroad to conflict-stricken states like Yemen, Iraq and Syria.
The gap between the current travel document laws and their enforcement on the ground will be abridged. Saudi women will be empowered to get their own travel documents themselves and feel equality with Saudi men. All obstacles caused by the guardianship system and the difficulties some male guardians impose on women will be eliminated forever.
As long as a woman meets all conditions for obtaining a passport, she can apply for and get one just like any other Saudi citizen, the proposal stressed. Once approved, the proposal will allow women who reach 18 years old to apply for a passport without their male guardian’s consent.