Ibrahim Badawood
USUALLY people from various backgrounds are used to the summer season being the holiday season for them. Some prefer to take paid leave vacation during Ramadan because they don’t like to work while fasting, but some believe that the nature of their work requires them to work in Ramadan as a high season.
Despite the fact that vacations are guaranteed rights for any employee, organizing holidays among employees, especially in government facilities, contributes to annual suffering, especially in following-up on transactions between government departments. Whenever a new file arrives at a government department, one discovers that the employee is on vacation. If you ask about the temporary substitute, the answer is usually “no one” and that “you can come back after the employee returns from vacation.”
I don’t blame the employee, who is entitled to enjoy his official vacation, but I blame his administration, which does not regulate leave, and allows employees to leave without following legal procedures for official leave. The first priority should be a temporary substitute who is capable of doing the other employee’s work, and takes into account the interests of saving people during vacation.
Some managers approve any leave without planning or organizing or developing a holiday schedule for employees under his administration. In return, other managers reject vacations unjustly, and deprive employees of their annual holidays in fear of work disruption. This only contributes to frustrating the team and lowering morale, which negatively affects the achievement of that employee and his dealings with service seekers.
We are approaching the 2020 transformation program, and managers in those agencies must organize holidays between employees. This season represents almost a third of the year, and if managers do not improve and regulate those holidays, it means that a third of the year is lost.
All managerss must think carefully about their responsibility, before God, for the people’s interests and lead duties to the fullest and not allow deficiencies. They are responsible to ensure there is no obstruction to the flow of work when some employees are enjoying their vacation.