Summer floods in Sudan kill over 100, destroy 14,000 homes

Summer floods in Sudan kill over 100, destroy 14,000 homes

August 17, 2016
Summer floods in Sudan kill over 100, destroy 14,000 homes
Summer floods in Sudan kill over 100, destroy 14,000 homes

KHARTOUM, SUDAN — The United Nations says heavy rains and flooding this summer has killed more than a hundred people and destroyed thousands of houses in central, eastern and western Sudan.

In a report released Tuesday, it says the rains and floods killed 110 people between July and Aug. 15, and have destroyed over 14,000 homes and affected over 161,000 people. It says the worst affected states are Kassala, Sennar, South Kordufan, West Kordufan and North Darfur.

Floods are common during the rainy season in Sudan, with the largest caused when the Nile, its tributaries or other rives overflow.

The UN warns that flash floods are generally short in duration but can cause major damage to villages and urban areas.

August 17, 2016