Drunk children and happy irresponsible fathers

Drunk children and happy irresponsible fathers

August 19, 2016
Fawaz Aziz
Fawaz Aziz

Fawaz AzizFawaz Aziz

LET me explain to you why I chose the above title for this article. I saw a video clip of a father who filmed his children who were drunk. How did they get drunk? The father left the children alone at a hotel and went outside to run a quick errand. While he was away, the children opened the fridge, found alcohol and drank it thinking it was juice. The father laughed at them when he realized what they had done. I do not know whether this video is real.

Who is there to protect these children from their reckless and irresponsible father? This father is blatantly irresponsible. He filmed his drunk children on a cell phone and posted the video on Snapchat for his relatives to laugh at his own children. Does this father know what it means to be a father? This father needs to rehabilitated and take a course on how to take care of his children.

Although the video was sent to the father’s friends and relatives, it went viral on social media. Did this father realize that the video would end up on the Internet? I still cannot understand why he did what he did. If a father does not respect his children and their rights, then there is little likelihood he will be respected by others. If a mother disrespects and abuses her children, how can she expect her children to defend her when they grow up?  

We all agree that an abusive teacher who beats a child, films it and then posts the clip on social media should be severely punished. What about a father who does the same to his children? Do parents realize that such videos might embarrass their children and ruin their lives when they grow up?

August 19, 2016