By Samar Yahya
The word “light” carries a popular meaning; that which lightens dark bodies so that we can see them. So by light, things become apparent and visible. This is the first meaning to which the word light was initially identified. Light itself is basically obvious and visible; there is nothing else that lightens it.
The word “light” has been used over 30 times in the Qur’an. In some verses it means faith, in others it means Islam or Qur’an or justice or Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
It also implies more meanings, such as in the verse, {Allah is the Light of the Heavens and Earth. The example of His light is like a nice within which is a lamp; the lamp is within glass, the glass as if it were a pearly [white] star lit from [the oil of] a blessed olive tree, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would almot glow even if untouched by fire. Light upon light. Allah guides to His light whom He wills. And Allah presents example for the people, and Allah is Knowing of all things.} [Chapter 24, verse 35]
According to the scholars, the meaning of the verse is that Allah has lit the Heavens and the Earth. So all the light, which is in the Heavens and the Earth and on the Day of Judgment is from the Light of Allah.
Light is of two kinds: the created light and the uncreated light. The created light is found in the world, like the light of the sun, moon and stars, the light from electricity and fire. Likewise, the light in the Hereafter and in Paradise, these are all created and they are a creation of Allah.
The uncreated light is an Attribute of Allah. Allah is far exalted and praised with all His Attributes and He is the Creator unlike His creation. So, the Light of Allah is uncreated, rather it is one of His Lofty Attributes. This is the Magnificent Nur (light) with which He has described Himself in the verse in the Qur’an and it is not created. It is an Attribute of Allah like His Hearing, Sight, Hand and other Lofty Attributes.
This verse falls under the category of allegory, to explain the parable to reach the intellective sense of people.
Ibn Kathir has also explained this parable based on the narrations and descriptions of earlier generation of scholars.
{Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth} means that He is a Guide to the inhabitants of the Heavens and the Earth (Ibn Abbas)
The light in the verse is ‘light that illuminates the Heavens and the Earth’ (Ismaeel Ibn Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn Abu Kareemah, also known as As-Suddi)
“There is no night or day with your Lord; the Light of the Throne comes from the Light of His Face.” (As narrated by Ibn Masud)
The “lamp” in the verse refers to the light that in turn refers to the Qur’an and the faith that is in a believer’s heart. (Ubayy bin Kaab).
{Light upon Light} refers to the faith and the deeds that are based on that faith. (Ibn Abbas)
{Light upon Light} refers to the light of the Qur’an combined with the light of the faith. (Ismaeel Ibn Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn Abu Kareemah, also known as As-Suddi)
Ubayy ibn Ka`b said that the similitude of His light [takes place in] the Muslim’s heart. [Ibn Kathir, 3:464] This light, which Allah has placed in the hearts of the believers, comes from the awareness, love, faith, and the remembrance of Allah. It is the light that He has sent down to people. Its origin is in their hearts, but then Allah strengthens and increases that light until it appears upon their faces. Have you ever met a person whose face was just illuminating with the radiance and light that comes from faith in Allah? People of this nature perceive the light of Allah.
On the Day of Judgment, the light will come forth by their faith, and hasten before them in the darkness of the bridge or sirat, so that they might cross it. They will proceed in proportion to either its strength or its weakness in their hearts during their life in the world.
Allah is the only provider of the light in the universe, whether it is physical light or the light of guidance. Everything in this universe is dependent on the guidance given by Allah for its operation and for maintaining its balance and symmetry necessary for its optimal performance. Then the verse describes the quality of the light of guidance provided by Allah, it is the most superb kind of soft light that shines through, without blinding with brightness or being hazy with dimness. The lives of those who follow His guidance by believing in Him and remaining conscious of His presence are so well illuminated that they clearly see the path to ultimate success without being distracted or confused by the alleys and detours that may lead them astray.
That Sublime Existence who encompasses all the stations of perfection at once; His sacred Light embraces the entirety of existence and illuminates the Heavens and the Earth. He is the all-Knowing Creator whose eternal radiance infuses life in the creation and bestows assistance to them. He controls, nurtures, and completes them through His power. The Light of His existence shines forth and is clearly manifest across the expanse of existence.