JEDDAH — The newly elected president of Overseas Samanwaya Group (OSG) Shoukath Khan and his team conducted the first interaction meeting recently here after restructuring the unit. The meeting saw the newly appointed office bearers and core members voicing their views.
Shoukath Khan, president, and the OSG team has shown an empathic response towards overseas Indians in KSA and announced strong plans to address their problems in the present challenging atmosphere, especially addressing labor issues, creating awareness in the Indian Diaspora about the skill development programs offered by the Indian government, elaborating on the pension schemes for NRI’s, and highlighting the opportunities under the banner of “Make in India scheme”.
The welfare organization has members from every state with vice president representing from each state and a core-working group addressing the NRI’s issues through Indian Consulate and Indian External Affairs Ministry. Shoukath said, “Our “think tank organization” has experienced intellectuals of Indian origin to utilize their expertise and wisdom in order to generate new ideas, which will be beneficial for the Indian community in Saudi Arabia.”
This organization aims to strengthen the social bonds among the overseas Indians in Saudi Arabia, irrespective of region, religion, race, creed, and color. Samanwaya team helps to generate a feeling of oneness. This team has highly motivated registered members from four states, who are actively working to alleviate the problems of NRIs in Jeddah.
Shoukath has been working on the welfare of the community for the last 15 years and has hands on experience. He and his team will follow up with the overseas Indians in Jeddah through a series of public events planned for the upcoming year. The group likes to highlight bilateral issues concerning Indian Diaspora, business, economy and trade.
The office bearers and core members introduced themselves and added their views to the basic mission and vision of the group. They all stressed that during these challenging times, assistance to workers and enhancement of skills of the workforce here should be a priority. They all hoped to contribute to the success of the group with positive activities.
Core team members of Samanwaya group: Shoukath Khan (President); Anil Nair (Vice president-Kerala); Abdul Waheed (Vice president-Rajasthan); Dr. M.A. Majid (General secretary); Shahir Shan (Organization Secretary); Omar Adil (Joint Secretary); Praveen Kumar (Organization Additional Secretary). Media group: Rabbani; Shakeel; Moiuddin and Omer. — SG